Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids and the #FilthyBooks Campaign
One #FilthyBook Title Found in Texas Schools Is Being Sent to Texas Legislators Every Day Remaining in the 88th TX Legislative Session
I’m Christin Bentley…
I represent SD-1 on the State Republican Executive Committee. I have the honor of representing one of the most Christian and conservative regions in the state of Texas. I also have the honor in the 88th Texas Legislative Session of serving on the Legislative Priorities Committee and serving as Chair of the Subcommittee: Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids.
Why am I starting this Substack?
Our committee and subcommittee are working tirelessly to drive legislation in the state of Texas that will protect Texas kids from sexualization in our Texas schools, public libraries, and public squares.
One of the most important things we can do is educate others on this issue and keep Texans informed. I also hope those working on this issue nationwide can learn from what we are doing here in Texas.
The #FilthyBooks Campaign…
The #FilthyBooks campaign launched on February 17, 2023 with the following letter:
Dear Texas Legislator,
Re: Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priority: Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids
Inappropriate and harmful, sexually explicit materials are in Texas public school libraries and classrooms across the state. Local policies have largely failed to protect Texas kids from these harmful materials, and the state legislature is now tasked with solving the problem at a state level.
Sexually explicit materials do not belong in Texas schools or community libraries where children can easily access them.
To help ensure all members of the Texas Legislature are fully informed of the subject matter being debated, at least one page of excerpts from a single book title recently found in Texas public schools will be provided to every legislator in the Texas Senate and House on each remaining day of the 88th Texas Legislative Session.
In addition, understand the following:
This is not an isolated problem. We can prove that Sexually Explicit Materials are in every Senate District in the state of Texas.
Sexually Explicit Materials are not exclusive to one sexual orientation; LGBTQ+ books are not being targeted for their ideas alone.
The state has a compelling interest to protect kids from sexualization. This is not a parental rights in education issue, and this cannot be solved with related policy.
Regulating sexually explicit materials does not violate the First Amendment. The removal of sexually explicit materials comports to Board of Educ. vs. Pico (1982). The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) prohibits obscene content on American airwaves 24 hours a day; it regulates indecent and profane content between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. when there is a reasonable risk that children might be present.
The Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities Subcommittee: Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids is made up of experienced parents and professionals. We are an active committee, serving as a resource and driver for effective policy on the issue of protecting children from sexualization in the state of Texas.
Check in often, as I will update often…
This Substack will be updated (and hopefully updated with the backdated reports) to share the titles of book reports we have shared with Texas Legislators.
I will also include helpful information regarding getting harmful books removed from school libraries and public libraries in Texas and nationwide.